(Not) a goodbye.

Edit 17/10/21: u/sweet_plums. ♡

Hiya! You might know me as Mindy. You might’ve seen me around, whether that’s a mod comment, participating in discussions, posting, discord - - maybe even as u/komimei or u/_moli

I remember, clearly, the burst of excitement when I got the notification that I’d been chosen as a mod here - I was so excited to make a difference in the subreddit I’d been residing in since it’s near beginning.

That was one year ago, and I’m honoured to say that I finally feel like I have. My hand was in a lot of the behind the scenes work; introducing the warning system, a few of the older rules, mod applications, revamps, the discord servers - and more to count. I feel like a part of me will always be here even when the subreddit develops with time, and I’m incredibly happy to know that.

I know a lot of people are going to be reading this and thinking; “It’s not that deep,” and hell, it won’t be to the vast majority of you, but this subreddit and the people in it have been a big part in my life: I’ve made friends here, I’ve had ups and downs, but it’s something I will look back on with the fondest memories

I have come to the decision that I will be leaving this subreddit as owner and a moderator, after one year, one month and 15 days. I am overjoyed with how far this subreddit has come since I stumbled across it whilst looking for a community to feel apart of, and I am so glad to say that it has done its purpose for me. I’m hoping that it has and will do the same for everyone else who joins.

I am not leaving for negative reasons and I would like to leave on a positive note. I simply feel as though my work is done here; and that passing it on, much like the owner before me will give it more opportunities to become the best place it can be. (Especially with the new school on the way!)

You’ll hopefully still see me around. Maybe on this account, maybe on a new one! All I know is that this will be a refreshing new chapter for me.

I’m more than confident that this subreddit will be in safe and caring hands: the new mods have passed their initial training with flying colours and the older ones have put in so much care to make this subreddit a lovely place. They made me feel a part of something, and I’m so lucky to call them my friends. Though mods have come and gone, each one has left me with happy memories that I won’t forget. Please treat them kindly.

Thank you, r/RoyaleHigh_Roblox, for everything. It’s been a good one.

- Mindy,
