A new chapter: Tri-Ownership!

Hello everyone! Happy weekend! Hope you are all doing well! This is actually my first time writing up a modpost believe it or not haha.

As you may or may not know, Mindy (u/vanilla_bunnie) the previous subreddit owner, has decided to step down; stated in this post.

She has done such an incredible job as an owner, mentor, but most importantly, a great friend to us all, and will be dearly missed! /gen

Mindy has decided to split up ownership three-way between the following moderators, Rose (u/Marine_Biology), Oli (u/OliOil_) and Bri (u/heartfuh).

We look forward to continue keeping the subreddit a safe, and fun environment! If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to leave them under this post :)

Stay tuned for the upcoming weekly spotlight later this weekend! I assigned mod trainees to work on this week's issue, and it looks fabulous so far! /pos

~ Signing off, Bri/Heart (u/heartfuh) <3