West Side Highway NYSDOT study

Inspired by yesterday's post about the chaos of the West Side Highway as the weather warms, I thought I'd share that the state DOT is currently conducting a study to redesign the roadway below 59th St: westsidehighwaystudy.com.

They are accepting public comments via map pins and a general feedback form, as well as holding public meetings in the future. Based on the discussions I've seen about appropriate usage of the path, I would guess many here have feedback and suggested improvements to provide.

A lot of the conflict on the West Side Highway seems related to the amount of space given to the 8 lanes of roadway, so that runners, bikers, and other park users are left fighting over the rest (although I know it's far more running space than is available in other parts of the city). I'd personally love to see the state consider a significant expansion of the park (e.g. by repurposing southbound lanes) to better separate users at various speeds and have some space dedicated for running.