Hey guys Brian Zane here with a breakdown of the worst in wrestling this year, let me prove I’m unbiased with this list

Uso vs Uso because why not

Dub showing the All-In footage because Punk was being a meanie on Heelwani’s show

Devil storyline

Learning Tree only because it’s so beneath Jericho to be doing in the first place

So many ads on wrestling shows, we are all the MOVEZ?!

WWE price gouging on PLEs even though it’s more a ticket seller issue with dynamic pricing

Dub’s low ratings because people hate REAL GRAPS

Media scrums that are lackluster, and the WWE somehow does them worse because Trips won’t answer real questions about race or Vince’s lawsuit

Honorable mentions i.e. a bunch of random Fed stuff that isn’t technically part of the list but allows me to Fed Bad, including the Vince Doc where he doesn’t say anything about the lawsuit even though that happened near the end of filming it

And NUMBER 1 - Vince being outed as a sexpest because give me good boy points!!!