28 [F4R] Mumbai/Anywhere - Looking to make a new friend! Even one would be a win fr.
Here are some things swimming around my mind, so this could be a vibe check for us -
- I like ice cream. I like dry fruits. But I don't like dry fruits in ice cream! Why??
- Loooove nature, all the shades of green as far as the eye can see. Yet I can't stand to own a piece of green clothing. I don't like the colour on me! No pea-green envy for me 🤔
- Sunsets on the west coast are so beautiful everywhere. The east is missing out bigtime.
- I wish I could be a dog for a day. Or a life. Esp in my house. Those idiots are pampered like crazy and they know it and bask in the attention. Ooooof ♥️♥️
- In which House would I be at Hogwarts? I'd love Gryffindor and I manipulated the Pottermore quiz to be in Gryffindor, but tbh I know I'd be in Ravenclaw. Eh, blue looks good on me.
Sooooo any thoughts on this or something just as quirky? Hmu!