Used or new SV 650?

Hey all, I got my license just yesterday (Hell Yeah!!) and I’m set in stone on buying a SV650. I’m not interested in buying an old one, since I like the style of the 3rd gen and the updates on the brakes and dash. The thing is that here in Spain, the used marked is extremely inflated, if I want one from the last 4 years and with not that many miles, it will cost me at least 5000€ (and when I say at least, it means that I will surely pay more than that), with 0 warranty. That’s freaking expensive, taking into account that a brand new one can be had for maybe 6500€, with 4 years of Suzuki warranty, so for 1500€ I think is not worth it, and let me clarify I’m not a guy with money to throw around.

The only reason I’m looking at the used marked still is because I don’t really like the 2023-2024 colors, but the matt black with blue frame and wheels and the black with white tank and red frame and wheels, OMG, those colors are sweet.

Am I being dumb about the colors thing?