Pittsburgh but bigger

Hello friends! I need your help…again.

I was here in 2023 looking for suggestions on a new city and the general consensus was Pittsburgh. I moved from Houston to Pittsburgh in November of 2023 and though I've enjoyed my time, I've come to realize that it's not my forever home and so I need your help!

What I love about Pittsburgh:

  1. The weather. I was born in the Caribbean, grew up in Fort Lauderdale and spent a decade in Texas. I never want to see the sun again. I loved living in Houston but I moved because of the weather. I am in love with the gloomy, overcast, rainy Pittsburgh skies and I'm pretty sad on sunny days. I love the mild winter here. Coming from the south, it's been a great way to introduce me to winter and living in a colder climate. I work from home and park in an underground garage and don't have to worry about shoveling a side walk so I've been spoiled.

  2. Sports. I live close to PNC park which is one of the most beautiful baseball stadiums in the country. I hop on the train and get off right in front of the park. I moved downtown so I could be at a ballgame easily.

  3. The people. Pittsburghers are a proud people and I've felt very privileged to live here. I love going out and seeing everyone in their black and yellow Pittsburgh uniforms. I love how hospitable they are and how proud of their city they are.

  4. Architecture. The history and architecture of Pittsburgh is stunning. Living in Florida and Texas with the parking lots and 18 lane highways and new construction and cookie cutter buildings is not for me. I'm constantly in awe of how beautiful everything is. I even have a favorite bridge and river! I love that my random fried chicken place is in a 100 year old building.

  5. The weather, it's really important. I come alive on rainy days.

  6. I love being outdoors and this city is surrounded by plenty of places to hike and look for mushrooms (a major hobby of mine).

The things that Pittsburgh lacks(to me):

  1. Good grocery stores. I'm used to Publix and HEB. I didn't realize how big of an impact this would be until I moved here.

  2. Good food and restaurants. The food scene is significantly lacking. I come from very large cities where international cuisine is available in all forms. And it's available when I want it. I feel like Pittsburgh shuts down by 9pm. This has been another frustration.

  3. It's a small town in comparison and I thought I'd get used to it but I haven't. I miss all of the random events and things to do that come from larger cities.

Couple of other things I take into consideration: I'm a 40 yr old woman of color with 1 income. I travel to Florida and NC frequently. I work from home.

Thank you!