I have no problem with 90% of the reused bosses/mini bosses, but a few felt off to me, What are you're thoughts?

Just finished my first two cycles (purification and shura) and I’m blown away by how good this game is! My only major gripe is some of the reskinned bosses and mini bosses. I understand reskinning is a necessary part of the development cycle as resources aren’t unlimited and I actually love how so many of the bosses and mini bosses repeat, it makes sense that you face off against similar unit archetypes at various times in the adventure. However, in a few cases it’s not that the boss is a reskin, but rather what they are a reskin of.

False corrupted monk: This boss is both somehow underwhelming and frustrating… despite feeling very challenged it was the only time in the whole game when I thought “really, that’s a main boss?!?!”. This is only made worse by how cool the true corrupted monk is, but having this false version come first takes a bit away from the true fight. The weird part is it feels like the reskin was completely unneeded… Orin of the Water would have been 100x better, just rename her to “Dragonspring Bride” (or something) and I think that would have been perfect, she’s such a cool enemy design too. Then put a reskinned mini boss in her old arena for the prayer bead and skill drops, off the top of my head maybe a reskinned carp attendant called “Lost Noble Sakuza” (or something)

The Drunkards: Juzou’s model should have been unique to him, on your first time through he’s so intimidating and challenging and the rematch is a cool round two to show you how far you’ve progressed. Unfortunately, all his clones kind of cheapen these moments. The one in the hidden forest is so unnecessary… there are so many mini bosses in the dungeon/depths that one less would not have been an issue, just give mist noble the prayer bead drop or hide it in the environment. Red gourd is even worse as it doesn’t even make sense for the ministry to have a guy like him around. In his place should have been a ministry themed reskinned of the two-handed katana general type mini boss “General Shigekichi” (or something)

What are your thoughts? (Edit: formatting)