Opinions on the cast no one asked for šŸ™ļø

My opinions no one asked me for

Jordyn First let me start by saying itā€™s refreshing to see a normal looking person on this show coming from selling sunset where itā€™s nothing but fake everything and super heavy makeup sheā€™s a breath of fresh air in the looks department. BUT my first impression of her is that sheā€™s a liar . Claiming to the world your ex (who was famous in his own right before you met) was a ā€œnobodyā€ yet in the same sentence you call him a celebrity and talk about how nervous you were? I donā€™t like people who per say ā€œbite the hand that fed themā€ Trevor started your successful career in luxury real estate so in all fairness with out him you would be nobody. I also donā€™t like how she one second is throwing shots at Abi and the next giving her compliments. Over all she seems to be proving Abiā€™s exact point youā€™re a celebrity gf who got a big break most of her connections to this day are from dating Trevor. (Side bar I found it funny she mentions Trevorā€™s name an ex from almost a decade ago who she knows likes to be private but we havenā€™t seen this new fresh ex)

Taylor : oh tay tay I actually really like her even tho I see her as a puppy they all like to kick around. Im pretty sure sheā€™s older then most of them yet she acts the most childish. Keeping secrets, sneaking around, talking behind peoples backs. I feel like she almost doesnā€™t know her self worth. If I was the main money maker in that office those girls (Eleanor included) couldnā€™t tell me a damn thing and Iā€™d have my chest puffed out everytime I walked in. But she acts scared about everything. And that husband šŸ™„ HAS GOT TO GO! The parallel between her and Abiā€™s marriage was messed up but maybe needed. Again not to be rude or say women canā€™t make more then their partners but if Iā€™m the breadwinner and I want to go out and take a load off with my friends, you better not tell me to sit or calm down idc if Iā€™m on top of the bar! When she works heā€™s upset, when sheā€™s having fun heā€™s upset , when sheā€™s trying to focus on their family heā€™s upset. Like at this point you have no kids and your own money? CUT HIM LOOSE! Over all sheā€™s has a lot of potential if she recognizes exactly who she is right now. She still feels like the addict she once was. Iā€™m speaking from my own experience once she sheds that imposter syndrome, Eleanor has some real competition.

Giselle - omg I wanted to like you SO BADDD she so pretty and poppin but she need to put real estate down and open a club or something. Sheā€™s was to mixy and the Michael b Jordan thing turned me all the way off. It seems her connections constantly having something to do with her and someone sheā€™s slept with. ( side bar again if Iā€™m Trevor or Michael Iā€™m pulling a jade and sending cease and desist bc why does my sex life need to be on tv?) the whole argument with jordyn just gave ā€œIā€™m jealous you talked to the fine man who I most likely still have feelings forā€. I donā€™t love Jordyn but she was absolutely right. You thought you were going to close this sale off the power of šŸ±. Which is crazy bc if you had his personal number which you threw in Jordynā€™s face , why didnā€™t you use it!?! Jordyn got the job done and thats all that should matter. she was only upset bc she thought that her sleeping with Michael gave her a leg up and it didnā€™t. And no sheā€™s not mad about the business or else she wouldnā€™t have used Trevor as a threat which I also thought was weird and very high school. You talk to my ex so now Iā€™m going to talk to yours? How about you start making calls about selling houses idc who it is. Then you have her and Justinā€™s fight and can I just say I was 100% on Justinā€™s side and I donā€™t even like him. If you cancel on me twice donā€™t come to me crying about accommodating you again, and then to bring up Steve like ā€œoh well Steve does it why donā€™t you?ā€ IM NOT STEVE AND YOUā€™RE NOT EL! She really was ignorant and acting very bratty during that whole thing. This is a business you canā€™t just bat your eyelashes at these men and expect them to bend backwards for you which in my opinion is the reason Steve accommodates her. Also I donā€™t like how she was agreeing with Abi at the restaurant but when it came time to confront jade it looked like she was more on jades side then abiā€™s !

Elenora - similar to Taylor I think she has imposter syndrome. She used to be heavier and in her opinion less attractive and less social. Now that sheā€™s come out of that a bit sheā€™s still got her old self tugging on her a tad. She needs to stop with this ā€œwe been friends foreverā€ bs with jade and cut her off. Abi and Giselle were right Jade is trying to ruin her team and bc Eleanorā€™s blinded by friendship I really donā€™t think she sees it. Also can I just say Netflix has a weird way of finding real state bosses who sleep around and they are always going to bring it upšŸ˜‚ but I think itā€™s sweet what sheā€™s doing for these girls and if I agree with jade on one thing itā€™s that those girls donā€™t see it especially Giselle. I feel like this is going to show us exactly why you donā€™t mix friends and business.

Abi - I thought Giselle would be my fav but no itā€™s Abi! 100% sheā€™s a go getter and eager which I get why itā€™s to her detriment sometimes , but I think sheā€™s been really proving herself. Her marriage is beautiful and sweet she doesnā€™t tear people down expect those who start with her! Which is what I want. My only thing is I wish the girls stood behind her against Jade but they all sat there like they didnā€™t know what was happening bc in my opinion they are all guilty of the same stuff Jade is. Maybe not to the extend Jade did it , but they all talked behind each others back and even snitched on each other (cough cough Gisele and Justin). If Abi is smart sheā€™s take her talent elsewhere or use El and the team for the opportunities she can get , but never leave her self vulnerable or exposed bc these girls will gut her.

Jade - first thing. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Now this lady is text book , straight from a 90ā€™s movie mean girl. If I didnā€™t know any better Iā€™d think this was a mean girls sequel the way she turned on her ā€œfriendā€ so quickly. She jealous of El. Even Stevie wonder can see that, but itā€™s more then that sheā€™s jealous of every aspect of Elā€™s life, her deals, her love life , her friends, her team! Which is crazy bc in my opinion SHE DOESNT HAVE TO BE. Iā€™m a hater , but Iā€™m honest jade is successful and pretty and Iā€™m sure sheā€™s not broke so her jealousy of El is purely like when thereā€™s a kid at your kids birthday party who sees the birthday kid opening presents and starts throwing a tantrum even tho they have the exact same Toys at home. Itā€™s not the stuff El has its the attention. All eyes arenā€™t only on Jade now and sheā€™s so greedy she canā€™t stand it and will do what she can to ruin it for El. Even if that means making herself look a fool on tv.

Justin - not much to say on him but the fact that the messiest person you know will ALWAYS be a man. Heā€™s play every side of the fence he can and i donā€™t really know what his goal or end game is with it but I can tell you it wonā€™t be good for El especially bc she still has feeling for him clearly. And I feel like he knows that and plays into it when it suits him only.