Homophobia exists because gay people are a minority
I think that homophobia wouldn't exist if gay people made up 50% of the population. If that was how it was at the start of civilization then it would just be a known and accepted fact that some people are gay and some people are straight. But because it's such a small percentage, people saw it as a problem and not an identity. It's a deviation and not something to be acknowledged or respected.
If we had a society where there were just as many gays as straights, being gay would be normal. There wouldn't be such a thing as heteronormativity because the odds of your child being gay would be so huge.
What do you think? I'd like to hear your thoughts. Do you think that's how it would go down or would straight people still opress them (in ancient society) and act like being gay is a problem?
I'm not sure if this is the proper sub to post this in. I was thinking about putting it in unpopular opinion but I don't think this is all that unpopular. We'll see...