Counterpoint: Jame Eagan's "raw" comment was meant to be questioned for its sexual undertones
My replies on the corresponding post have gotten me downvoted to hell and I was already sent a reddit cares message for merely pointing out an opposing opinion, so I'm starting a separate conversation.
- Power and control on this level, between a father and daughter is thematically inextricable from sexual abuse. It doesn't mean that's what's happening. But it's entirely understandable why people are making this connection and asking these questions after this scene, and very likely the writers intended it.
- The "take it raw" comment sounds sexual. It just does. Of course it also refers to Kier's diet, but combined with the "I'll just watch" line preceding this? And the fact that a hell of a lot of people immediately found the line creepy and sexualized? It's again not proof of anything, but it certainly isn't a stretch to assume the writers meant for this line to spark this questioning.
- There are many ways in which power dynamics can be depicted. To show a scene where a father is focused on his daughter's eating, watching her, studying her as she eats, privately in their home when no one else is watching? That's a writing choice that again, fully lends itself to speculating if SA took place.
- This happens in the same episode where the audience gains a deeper understanding of how Jame sexually abuses women (i.e. "she's one of Jame's). So again, his sexual inappropriateness is being raised thematically in this episode, lending even more context in which to speculate about the egg scene.
So again, NONE OF THIS means Helena is/was sexually abused by her father. Nor can we demonstrably prove that the "raw" line did or didn't have sexual connotations (unless the writers tell us someday). But it is entirely appropriate to speculate and to basically tell people they're "wrong" or "crazy" for thinking otherwise, isn't just rude, it's deeply naive to the realities of sexual abuse.
Edit: I get it, you can stop sending me reddit cares messages now. Your deep and genuine concern for my wellbeing has been thoroughly noted.