I’m A Mother website discussion regarding ShiptShoppers and Tips.

New ShiptShopper here. I’ve only made four deliveries so far. I have gotten tips on three of the four orders. None of the tips have equaled 20% but two of them have been okay tips. I was just searching the internet to see what Google says a ShiptShopper should be tipped and came across this forum.


I’m really surprised that a lot of people think 10% or $10 at most is sufficient to tip. I do this as a side hustle to make extra money to finish up some projects I have been working on but it is really frustrating to see how people view the service. I’ve never used Shipt to order items but I would like to think for something like this I would always give a minimum of 20%. If I go to a restaurant, 20% is the base tip for me. With good service I always tip more.