The Rant of Lu Bu

Ok, but don't you see how pathetic this is?! Lu Bu's already nerfed for not having his halberd, then neg diffs the strongest in Rome, hyped up as the reincarnation of Hercules.

Except, at this point Lu Bu has more feats unarmed than with the halberd and I really, really think this is because unarmed combatants are cooler in mangas (and defeats the weapon merchant allegations), but don't these people realise they're just downscaling fighters like Raiden, by extending this tsundere hairstyled monster over other niches?!

It would be something if we knew Octavius was a fraud, but no, the other fighters believe he's legit, so they have to be fodder compared to Lu Bu as well.

Ma@@@@@ex doesn't have the last chapters, so it's inconvenient to read; I believe old swordsman poses a threat to Lu Bu and that's fine, but it's too little too late. This thing has been the exact same from chapter one: there is strong guy, strong guy fights Lu Bu, Lu Bu wins; there is another strong guy, repeat, except that one time that Lu Bu said "oh, I technically moved my back foot, so it's my loss" but no, we can't have Lu Bu facing struggles.

Then why make him the protag, or rather the focus center of the story?! Make one punch man, but not a gag manga, have Lu Bu be the Deus ex machina that can steamroll any threat and leave the emotional stake on the shoulders of someone else, like those guys in the audience of round 1 or something!

Jeez, I'm out

Ok, but don't you see how pathetic this is?! Lu Bu's already nerfed for not having his halberd, then neg diffs the strongest in Rome, hyped up as the reincarnation of Hercules.

Except, at this point Lu Bu has more feats unarmed than with the halberd and I really, really think this is because unarmed combatants are cooler in mangas (and defeats the weapon merchant allegations), but don't these people realise they're just downscaling fighters like Raiden, by extending this tsundere hairstyled monster over other niches?!

It would be something if we knew Octavius was a fraud, but no, the other fighters believe he's legit, so they have to be fodder compared to Lu Bu as well.

Ma@@@@@ex doesn't have the last chapters, so it's inconvenient to read; I believe old swordsman poses a threat to Lu Bu and that's fine, but it's too little too late. This thing has been the exact same from chapter one: there is strong guy, strong guy fights Lu Bu, Lu Bu wins; there is another strong guy, repeat, except that one time that Lu Bu said "oh, I technically moved my back foot, so it's my loss" but no, we can't have Lu Bu facing struggles.

Then why make him the protag, or rather the focus center of the story?! Make one punch man, but not a gag manga, have Lu Bu be the Deus ex machina that can steamroll any threat and leave the emotional stake on the shoulders of someone else, like those guys in the audience of round 1 or something!

Jeez, I'm out