Made free and open-source landing page templates for your side project

Hi all,

I have been building free and open-source landing page templates and wanted to share it with this community as well.

You can browse and download the templates here:

Github link for templates: Free landing pages Github

Why use this templates?

Honestly to save time. Deciding and building landing pages would take you a lot of time, Besides, it can be hard to develop everything by yourself, especially if you are Solo developer. So, you can use these templates to make it easier and quicker.

What's the tech?
Plain Html, Tailwind css and a bit of vanilla JS.

Whom is this meant for?

  • Solo SaaS developers and indie hackers.
  • SaaS Developers who don't want to spend too much time focusing on landing page, but want to quickly ship more.
  • Freelancers and solo developers looking to show a prototype or use a template to build faster.
  • App developer who wants to have a web landing page. (helps with your SEO game)
  • People looking for inspiration and ideas.

Will there be new templates?

Yes, New templates will be added once or twice every month.

It has a lot of category, including SaaS, Apps, Restaurants and more, you can use the filter to filter out the ones you want.

All the templates are under MIT License.

If you have any questions, drop it here, I'll answer it whenever I am free.

have a great day!