Hate symbol tattoos in gallery
So I just bought the new pack, started a new save, go into the gallery to look at tattoos, and I immediately find TWO Nazi symbols... Yes, that one. I am disgusted and disappointed. I reported them immediately. Have y'all also seen these? If you do come across them, please report them. I can't believe I even have to make a post for this.
EDIT: a few people in the comments have asked if I'm sure it was a swastika. Yes, I am sure. One of them had a red background, and BOTH had names like 'European heritage' or something, phrases that very clearly meant they were hate symbols. Apologies that I don't remember the exact names/have photos, I didn't want that on my computer.
EDIT 2: someone else made a post about this with pictures, the names are 'we are Europeans' and 'remember who you are'
Also to the people telling me to get over it, move on, etc. It's people like you who make people like that feel safe enough to post shit like that. If there are no repurcussions, they'll keep doing it and more people will join them. I refuse to stand back and let them spread hatred.
EDIT 3: Sorry for all the edits, but I'd just like to add one more thing. To everyone telling me to ignore it, don't look at it, to not give them the attention: who does that benefit? Me? It might feel safer for you, but I am part of multiple minority groups that the Nazis were and still are targeting. I cannot ignore it. So again, who does it benefit for us to just ignore them? Me, or Nazis? Because if we ignore them as a collective, then they have free reign to do anything they like. If you still tell me to just ignore it, you are no better than a nazi apologist or nazi symphatizer, which in my eyes just makes you a nazi. Shame on you.