Witchy storyline
Just here to share a couple of storylines I made up for my next generations really.
My current generation heir, William, has two best friends: Gwenllian and Milo. When they'll age to teenagers, Gwenllian and Milo will promise each other to get married, but on a random night, Milo will disappear. Gwenllian and William will start a sort of a quest and go search for him. I'm planning to move them to a "forest" residential lot for a part of this storyline. During this time, Gwenllian and William will grow closer together, and William will realise he has feelings for her. Knowing how much she cares about Milo, he'll do a witchy trade (Plumbobs' amended rules) and promise a witch his first son that'll reach adult age in exchange for Milo being found. By the time they'll find Milo, Gwenllian will have also realised she has feelings for William, and they'll get married. I might keep Milo around for William's younger sister, Sybil, but we'll see.
Once their first boy born will be born, the witch will show up at their door declaring that once he'll become of age, he'll be hers to marry. William will have no way of escaping this. This way, I might get some spellcasters heir down the road, and I hope I'll manage to still have them by the time the witch trials come around! The witch is currently immortal, but I'm planning on her and the heir actually falling in love and her giving up on immortality for him.
All of this will be possible, of course, if death rolls spare my sims. Fingers crossed!
Family tree: the Black dynasty.
A few pictures just because.