5 babies in one household

I said earlier that in my main household, my youngest child ended up rolling in a death roll and got very upset about it. The same day he died, my gen 4's wife (his mom, Rose) found out she was pregnant! When she was in labour, at first I got the "It's a girl!" message and got really excited to play a young princess in the story, but then I got an "It's a boy!" And my jaw DROPPED.

T W I N S.

The one time I got twins in my main households was in gen 1. A girl and boy, too. The girl ended up dying and her brother lived. This was the second time, but everyone ended up alive! I named them Amber and Alvaro

Around the time Rose was pregnant and somewhere in her 2nd trimester, the maid that takes care of her children (Not nobility or middle class, but not a peasant either) got pregnant with the royal knight of the king and his right hand man, her husband.

When she gave birth a few months after Rose did, I first got "It's a boy!" Great, I'm already planning his future as a knight just like his dad, next. "It's a boy!" Again. Twins?? Wow, I must have had some great luck even without any lot traits. Okay, next. "It's a girl!" ??????????


And that's the story of how, now, I have 3 royal kids running around, one is a toddler and two are infants, as well as 3 newborns from the working hand in the castle.

I named them Marquise, Xavier and Angelique, in order of birth.

Planning the future for these 5 kids will be wonderful, hehe. I'm already planning some forbidden love story happening between Alvaro and Angelique :)