How tired and exhausted would sleep apnea make you feel

Hi I'm currently having some problems and would like some opinions. The other day I started getting really really exhausted. I have never felt this tired before. It almost feels like I am sedated. Just out of it. Weak muscles. Fatigue..I thought maybe it was due to some blood pressure meds I've been on. I've been on them two months with no problems. But recently upped the dose and thought that could be it. Butt I've been off them for several days and still feel bad. Maybe they're still in my system. I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I have sleep apnea but I often wake up with a racing heart and somebody I know said they hear me sleeping and I sound like I'm having trouble breathing. Just wondering what kind of tired sleep apnea causes? I'm honestly having a hard time functioning doing anything.. thanks