Welcome to Arcadia! - An Important Message from the Mod Team
Greetings fellow worshipers!
Great news, everyone is having a lot of fun enjoying the new single "Emergence!" We just wanted to check in with all of you. ☺️ We have a lot of new members who have recently emerged, so please join us in warmly welcoming them to the community! 👋🫶
Here's some ✨️graphs✨️ (ooh shiny, lots of data) that show a bit of our growth from the last day! Great job everyone!! That said, because of the massive influx of activity, we've been directing people to posts that already exist to continue discussion and avoid duplicates. We truly wish we could approve every post that comes through the queue. We urge you to do a quick search or scroll back through the feed prior to posting. This helps us reduce extra clutter in the feed.
We also promise that if your post is removed, that it is never personal.
We don't shadowban here, and we don't pick favorites. If you ever have concerns, please contact us through modmail, we respond as quickly as we can.
Another quick reminder, all of our posts go through an approval queue process, meaning someone is personally looking at your post before it is added to the sub. At times this can take a little while, depending on how busy the day is for our moderation team. That said, we always try our best to take a look at things as quickly as we can. Right now we are working hard to get approvals through rapidly, however, videos and YouTube links may still take slightly longer to approve, as we have to vet the links for rule violations.
Thank you to everyone, your contributions to this community are venerable beyond measure. 🫶