Emergence; "The Offering" reimagined

I was watching Emergence reaction videos on YT, and the reactor paused at the end of the last chorus/right before the last interlude to make some comments. Something about hearing the song stop right at that moment got my brain ticking; I kept singing the song in my head, but for some reason this time when the guitars would drop my brain plugged in, "Take a bite". And it hit me; the reason Emergence feels so familiar is because it is in many ways The Offering reimagined. Lyrically. Musically. Production. All of it.

Just listen to them back to back and you'll see what I mean.

I went on a 10-minute rant to someone about all the similarities, and I'm kinda out of energy at the moment to try and write the details down here, but I would love to hear anyone else's thoughts!