mandy's mannerisms

She has this straight face and is mostly none reactive until she really feels like it ig or for whatever reason she does it.

I've always struggled with people pleasing and over exaggerating or completly faking my emotions to give off something better idek why

Watching her makes me more comfortable at being myself, being black and a woman ig I feel more pushed to being more receptive or reactive or open.

I just love her personality and the way she is and has actually made me be more comortable being myself recently and not exaggerating when being with people. I really look up to her.

(Side note, when was she born? I'm 2001 and she's giving me big sister energy-not in a parasocial way)

She has this straight face and is mostly none reactive until she really feels like it ig or for whatever reason she does it.

I've always struggled with people pleasing and over exaggerating or completly faking my emotions to give off something better idek why

Watching her makes me more comfortable at being myself, being black and a woman ig I feel more pushed to being more receptive or reactive or open.

I just love her personality and the way she is and has actually made me be more comortable being myself recently and not exaggerating when being with people. I really look up to her.

(Side note, when was she born? I'm 2001 and she's giving me big sister energy-not in a parasocial way)