Season 10 is a GIANT mess

I got bored and decided to watch the last three seasons (I lovingly refer to them as “Metropolis” since the show is practically Smallville in name only at this point).

That said, my memory of season 10 is shaky at best, non-existent at worst, and as I’m watching through it, I realize I’m watching at least FOUR season long story arcs happening at the same time. You’ve got the obvious Darkseid storyline, but then on top of that, you’ve got the VRA storyline (with the hilarious casting of Michael Hogan as DEATHSTROKE), the young Lex clone storyline, and now the alternate reality Lionel Luthor jumping over to the main reality…

I get they wanted this to be the last season, but this season is a MESS. Did everyone want to move on to different things? I feel like this season could have been split into two different seasons.