Smite 2 Thoughts?

Give me your most honest thoughts on Smite 2, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I've been playing OG Smite since Season 2. I'm a diehard fan. I've just recently started spending money on gems after years of playing to get some of the Cross-Gen skins before the price skyrockets so I'm a little hesitant on spending the $30 for a pre-release game but I'm chomping at the bit to give it a try.

I know it's in the late stages and not fully completed and quite frankly, the game looks incredible so far, so I personally don't see where I could complain but to "pre order" makes me hesitate a little if its not worth it and to just wait a couple more months for the release. But with that being said, is the pre-release worth it to you, or do you wish you would've just waited until full release for it to be free?

Edit: I've watched streamers, and it seems like there's a mixed audience reaction to it so far, which is why I'm asking before I spend the money on it.