want to learn more about socialism through literature, any recommendations?

im mildly dyslexic and very autistic and find that my ability to read increases drastically the more often i actually read so like to read literature about topics that i am very interested in! i have been wanting to learn more about socialism for quite a while now and for no particular reason at all ( ;) ) i recently purchased das kapital after a discussion about socialism with my boyfriend in a cafe (as you do when 2 gays are angry at the government) however maybe im too dyslexic for it or maybe i just threw myself into the deep end but it seems to be very confusing. my boyfriend has since suggested that i start with something a bit lighter such as fiction books based around the idea of socialism such as george orwells stuff. any other recommendations of literature that i can read to help me understand more about socialism ideologies before attempting karl marx again? i am also open to recommendations of stuff to read once i understand it more!