When you take into consideration all the different style systems, how important do you feel dressing in SD lines is for your style? Is Kibbe the most important or do you prioritise something else?

I’m in a bit of style overload - I’ve been exploring a range of style systems that can arm me with knowledge for refining my style a bit. My goal is to achieve a wardrobe that is flattering and makes me feel confident and authentic. My vibe is kinda classic but relaxed, polished ‘girl next door’ kinda thing? Basically not diva haha

I’m an SD without a doubt but also a soft summer in colour analysis, classic-romantic-natural in essence, I’ve explored style roots and Alison bornsteins 3 word method and man…am I feeling like it’s a lot!

I can find outfits that meet SD guidelines and flatter my shape but don’t necessarily suit my colouring and overall vibe (like they work but there’s also something slightly off). I can find items in the right colours that don’t necessarily do anything for my shape. I can save down Pinterest outfits that fit the vibe but they then seem at odds with my Kibbe type