The writing of solarballs is going downhill.
I'm sure youve seen me yapping in the replies about this, but Ive figured out I need to make a post about this problem
English isn't my first language‼️ I might have some typos or grammatical errors, so correct me if I do.
I loved the writing of the moon revolution but it went downhill after that, Especially the planet x arc,it was the beginning of the unnecessary cliffhangers and also why did he need ganymede and europa to return to the the solar system? they just felt like bystanders, and I also hated how the arcs have so little happening, the story is barely progressing! Why is part 1 and part 2 filler? it doesn't make sense! I thought the writing couldn't get any worse until now.
I DESPISE how they changed the entire structure of the rocky planets just to make earth alone! Mars and mercury care for earth so much! Why are they ignoring earth now? Why are they just now figuring out the earth is mentally unstable? It's so annoying, I love mercury but they ruined his entire character just to make earth alone and lonely..
And actually why is everything about earth? Every arc is about earth, like Sure I know that he's the main character (excluding astrodude because he barely appears anymore) but he's got 2 ARCS about him, it's getting annoying and repitive, venus should get an arc, he canonically hates himself! Why didn't we explore that? Why didn't we get more venus character development
It's so out of place, earth is the only devoloped character and almost all of the others are 2 dimensional characters, I hate it.