This is completely different from what Tresspasser was leading to [DAV SPOILERS]
1 - Since when Solas' motives were all about avenging Mythal? I thought he wanted to restore the elves to their former glory and undo all the years of opression they had to endure. The grey morality was one of the most interesting aspects of his character and they decided to downgrade him into some random ass elf woman's puppet. Instead of confronting him and making him see the error of his ways, it's Mythal who has to set him free and then he's like "okay, bye" ???
2 - The elf rebellion should play a bigger part. As should the elves. We spent three games hearing about how bad the elves were treated in Tevinter just to gloss over it. Also, this game should be a lot richer in elven lore, but even the crossroads were meh compared to Trespasser in my opinion. The whole art direction should also be more like that instead of the weird futuristic stuff we got, but that's my personal opinion.
3 - The well of sorrows was set up as this huge decision in DAI and then it doesn't even play a part in DAV??? WTF???
4 - The final reunion between Solas and the Inquisitor was bittersweet. I was expecting so much more!!! I really thought we'd have a Solavellan love scene in this game, but even without it, they should have made it more about them and less about Mythal.
5 - The Inquisition (or at least your inner circle) was set up to play a much larger role. In my opinion, Inky should have returned as the main character. Yes, tradition dictates every new DA game must have a new protagonist, but the last games were all disconnected enough from each other and this isn't the case here. If they HAD to create a new character, at least they should've made Inquisition play a bigger role.
6 - What was the point of importing thousands of choices into the Keep for nothing? Seriously?
Also, and this last part is my own personal opinion: I didn't like the direction they took with the elven gods being all essentially evil eldritch horrors. It'd be more interesting to me to see them as more morally grey, since the way they did it kinda sends this weird message that this people who have been trying to preserve their religion and culture after it was destroyed were actually worshiping demons all along. Also, I didn't think they needed to explain everything about the world and connect it somehow. The mistery was one of my favorite aspects of Dragon Age lore since Origins.