I love you, Varric Tethras (DAV SPOILERS)

I got to the ending of this damn game.

It was rough at the start. The Solavellan ending was something. I can see why a lot of people don’t like it. I didn’t like it until I went to Tumblr to read people’s analysis on the scene. I’m feeling much more satisfied now.

I digress. This is not what I’m here to talk about!



I’m in utter shock what they did to Varric. I don’t think I can forgive BioWare for this. They literally Six Sensed us.

I don’t think I’ve ever cried so hard over a fictional character dying. I’ve cried over movies, sure, but not this much. I had tears streaming down my face. I feel like I’ve actually lost a friend. I know he’s not real.

Varric has been a staple companion throughout the majority of the franchise. All I wanted for the man was for him to be able to live the rest of his life at peace in Kirkwall. I still can’t fathom that he was dead the whole fucking time. The guy deserved retirement, not retirement to the fucking afterlife!

I’ve been balling my eyes out for the last 24 hours. I’m barely holding back tears while I’m writing this. I’m actually depressed at the moment. I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday.

BioWare really likes to make us suffer in so many different ways.

I love you (not romantic), Varric Tethras. You have been a good friend to many characters throughout these last few years.

I will miss you Varric.

I hope you are at peace now.

Now, I’ll go back into my corner!