I don’t see what all the fuss is about.

So they decided to start charging for bags. And now they are being “cancelled”? In my opinion the total cost of flying, together with comfort and convenience, is the way to choose an airline. If free bags for everyone causes pressure on prices and profits, then it makes sense to implement ala carte policies.

Previously, I might have chosen SWA because they had the best total price, taking free bags into account. If I have no bag to check, or if some other airline is cheaper even with bag fees, I pick the other airline.

But I never really liked SWA for its other policies. No “big seats”, cattle-call boarding process, no hot food…. In my opinion they compete on price. The product is unremarkable.

Look at it this way… add the cost of two checked bags to every flight, and it’s “free” again! If you don’t check bags, you pay less. There was never an option for people who traveled with only carryon bags to get a better price, now there is.