Walmart employee started trip for me

First time this has ever happened in 3 years I’ve done spark. I am holding my phone for door checkout and the employee is pressing screen to skim the phone and then skimming the bags. No big deal whatever. While she’s back to my phone, and this time held with her hand as well and she presses the back button, which I thought she was probably going to check the date and that time again. But no, she proceeded to press the start “I’ve left the store”. As she pressed it, I said “ oh ma’am please don’t press…” before I even finish. She press the OK button again to leave and swipes to start my trip. She began to raise her voice to me “we have too! We have too!”

Has this happened to anyone else? Guess no biggie since I was gonna start it after walking out, but def irked me that she held my phone and forced to start trip lol

Editing for 2nd shop experience: this time around I did not let her get close to phone and scrolled for her. She tried to reach phone saying she had to start the trip and I let her know touching my phone and starting trip is against the tos. She held the cart at this point saying no no but the lined customers began saying “hurry, and she let me go.

If there’s no line was she going to hold me hostage? lol

I want to report but what will be done? I don’t want that a reason to be on deactivation radar. 😬