Tip Baiter policy
So I had someone change the $15 tip offer to $.01 yesterday. It was a triple batched trip so I had no idea the tip was just one person until they pulled it. A guy came out at the last stop and said that he does Spark, too, and asked how long I had been doing it and seemed friendly. We talked about some of the issues in the area including people pulling tips. He claimed to have never had it happen in several years of doing this. Seemed friendly but I think he was the one who pulled the tip. It was just too odd talking about it and then it happened. And he seemed oddly hostile asking how long I had been doing it and telling me how he had been doing it from the beginning. I think he was trying to discourage competition. I fully expect my rating to go down soon too because of him. But I can’t be sure. I put everybody on that trip on my no-fly list since I don’t know for sure. Is there any way to get support to confirm which order had the tip? I hate to block the others for no reason. But then again, they left zero tip so probably not a loss. Also it is a small town/rural area so there is a very good chance I will see this guy at the pickup at some point. Should I say something to him? Again, any chance at all that support would say who pulled the tip?