Never doing a GMD order again
It was slow so i took one of those GMD orders for the first time. It was like $38 , 12 drop offs, 28 miles and estimated time to complete 1 hour and 30 minutes.... yeah right even if they were to all houses with no issues still would take longer. It took me 2 hours and 20 minutes to finish from accepting to last drop off. Pick up was ready and took only 5 minutes. Also it's not like i was moving slow...i wanted to finish it and move on to to the next order and ended up getting hit by a red traffic light camera. I know this cause my Apple Maps warned me of one coming up but completely forgot about it till i was making that left turn and saw the flash of the camera hit me. So i should be getting a $500 fine in the mail in a couple days... but my lawyer can get me off for a $150. These are a waste of time and no one should take these until spark pays better for them.