Spider-Man 2 a fun game that is also graphically good but has some returning negatives from the first game
Fun game overall and all the details of Spider-Man from his animation, web swing, suits and the little animation are done with high quality. For example the animation Peter makes to Miles like pointing to him after Miles makes an impressive maneuver during combat sequences is all awesome. They just should've fixed the open world aspects of the game post main story as that was a problem from the first game
There are way too many collect type quests such as the crystal collection is too repetitive the story of the mission itself is interesting. The plant collection tasks is boring.
The car chase side quests are boring it is almost identical as the first game. I enjoy the combat but there are way too many repetitive side mission combat sequences you find a group of thugs beat them up, rinse and repeat. They could have added well written short side story missions like with the side story with Hammerhead or Black Cat in the dlc from the first game. Side missions that are similar in well written narratives should be the standard side missions in the base game this time around.
All the segments with MJ are very boring nobody wanted those segments back from the first game and yet they added it back anyway. The AI needs major improvements especially when it comes to stealth missions.
The above negatives should have been fixed as the first game came out a few years ago plenty of time for developers to fix those and make the open world more interesting.
Nonetheless a very fun game with amazing graphics and a good story.