Muv Fitness - South Hill Management and how they ruined my day

Hey just wanted to put it out there that Muv Fitness absolutely is the worst. Their facilities are barely clean, especially the bathrooms/locker rooms/sauna and pool area. There is always loose bandages on the ground in the pool area, the "dry" sauna is a literal swamp with water all over the ground from members walking in dripping wet. I cancelled my membership with them once and for all today after I attempted to get an "service fee" refunded for apparently missing my gym payment date by 2 days. Its their "policy" to charge a late fee, of course, and its their policy to MAKE you go into the gym to cancel.

TLDR: Muv Fitness is a leech sucking corporate profit vehicle because of their profit seeking, greedy business model that is enforced by their "Ironclad contract" where you, the member, are fucked at every paragraph. Meanwhile the gym is in absolute disarray. Please consider going to a different gym if you want to be treated fairly.