What do you really think of Triple H?
Triple H is a very polarising wrestler among the smarks, as we all know.
How do I feel about him? Eh... it's complicated. If I had to describe him I'd say he's a jack of all trades but master of none, which is a good thing in a lot of fields, but not so much in pro wrestling. It means he doesn't stand out in anything in particular.
Now, let's get the elephant in the room out of the way. The whole Stephanie thing... he was already getting close to important people in WWF before he began dating Stephanie. He quickly befriended Michaels and The Kliq and also got close to Vince. He joined WWF in late 1995 iirc. He didn't begin dating Stephanie until 1999. And didn't marry her until 2002 or 2003. So I wouldn't say she's 100% responsible for his success, but I also doubt he'd have had his 2002-2005 Reign of Terror plus other WM main events, title reigns, special entrances, etc. if it wasn't for the fact he married the bosses daughter.
I'd say Jim Cornette got it spot on when he said that Triple H is the guy who works with the draws. He is mostly successful when he's in a program with a hot babyface like The Rock, Austin, Batista or Cena. When you have Triple H as the biggest star in a feud or need him to carry a feud, it doesn't work so well. Look at his programs with Booker T, Scott Steiner, Y2J, etc. No wonder the ratings and buyrates took a nosedive in 2002-2004 when Raw became the Triple H show.
For a guy who has main evented so many WMs and PPVs in general, there aren't a lot of big HHH matches that I go back and rewatch. As for his mic skills, he's a good talker, but doesn't really have a lot of promos that stand the test of time either. What even is his most iconic or defining promo? The backstage interview he does with JR when he first calls himself "The Game", I guess? Also, his 20 minute long promos often would bore people. There's even one from 2004 or so where he even has to pick up a chair and sit down in the middle of the ring midway through the promo lol
Triple H also seems to work better in factions or with managers than as a standalone guy. The most memorable and successful parts of his career were when he was with DX, Stephanie and Evolution.
Triple H also got inserted into angles he had no business to be in, like the Summer of Punk storyline. And he's also to blame for Edge's first WWE title reign to only last 3 weeks, because "he wasn't good enough to mainevent WM".
He has a great entrance music, though. Most of the wrestlers themes nowadays do nothing for me.
So yeah there's always gonna be an asterisk next to his accolades. That isn't to say Triple H sucks or anything like that, but he's a tad overpushed and arguably the most overrated wrestler ever alongside Cena.