Star Trek nowadays seems to mostly look inwards, instead of expanding the universe
This is just something I've noticed for awhile. Discovery was an immediate prequel to TOS originally, Picard was a legacy character study, Strange New Worlds is yet another immediate prequel to TOS, Lower Decks and Prodigy are apparently chalk full of characters and references from legacy Trek, it seems that the franchise is afraid to do what it once did: making new series with new characters and settings. I mean, TNG was a sequel a 100 or so years after TOS with brand new characters and aliens and settings, which I'm sure ruffled some Trekkies feathers at first, but it was totally the right move because it expanded the universe and was more exciting to see new things than the same old. Same with DS9 and VOY. Even ENT, while a prequel, was set in a relatively unknown time period so I'd still count it.
Just wanted to share this annoyance I have with Modern Trek, lol