Why do people think that Cioccolata was worse than Diavolo?

I see this take all the time and I don’t get it. People overhype Cioccolata’s evilness to the point that some people say that he deserved the infinite death loop more than Diavolo. But let’s compare them for a second:

  1. Kill count: As the head of a massive criminal organization, Diavolo likely directly or indirectly caused the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of people. Cioccolata probably killed like 50 people at most.

  2. Involving children in their crimes: Diavolo hurt many children, either by ordering the deaths of their parents or by allowing his organization to sell drugs to them. But from what we’ve seen of Cioccolata in his flashbacks, it seems that his patients were all adults.

  3. Love: Diavolo was completely incapable of love. He didn’t even feel affection for his own daughter. Cioccolata loved Secco by his own admission, showing that he is capable of affection.

I rest my case.