It's a long way up the roof, God dam I nearly fell and died installing it.
Regulalry downloading games and large files at 200mbs 300mbs, which is lightning fast compared to the 20mbs 'fiber-to-the-cabinet' > 'copper phoneline to the house' internet that I receive in a suburb of a major UK city. It's my only lifeline to get me back to acceptable speeds.
Wouldn't buy a tesla though. the roof, God dam I nearly fell and died installing it.
Regulalry downloading games and large files at 200mbs 300mbs, which is lightning fast compared to the 20mbs 'fiber-to-the-cabinet' > 'copper phoneline to the house' internet that I receive in a suburb of a major UK city. It's my only lifeline to get me back to acceptable speeds.
Wouldn't buy a tesla though.