Exam felt terrible. Scored 270
My exam was cancelled at 9pm the day before. I had to reschedule 1 day later and drove over 6 hours through a snowstorm to get to the only test center near me that was open the following day. Felt wholly unprepared for all the QI material and spent breaks looking up all my errors (don’t recommend).
Most of my shelf exams were around 80 except OBGYN and psych which were closer to 90.
All NBMEs were 251-265 except form 15 I scored 271 with 80% on new free 120 (skipped old ones). Im still in shock because going through the actual test it felt like I was flagging many questions and thought I would score around 250 based on that. I’m still in shock.
For those wondering how I studied. I used AnKing religiously throughout my core year completing all cards tagged by shelf and then also completing all uworld questions and creating Anki cards for incorrects instead of doing another pass. However, really didn’t use Anki much during dedicated. I used amboss as a learning resource but didn’t utilize question banks.
I took 2 weeks dedicated for step 1 then 6 weeks for step 2 and did them back to back. At this point I continued to do qbanks and NBME practice exams. I reviewed each question even correct ones looking for weaknesses to review.
EDIT: Amboss predicted 264