Insomnia cure one day

So I got prescribed Vyvanse for amphetamine,came off it suddenly and then developed insomnia and have had more energy than ever . This is a strange reaction because normally people get lethargic and lose energy when they come off stimulants . The psychiatrist is chucking medicine at me -none of which work to keep me asleep (mirtazipine ,promethazine up trazadone.... yippee.... not ) Psychiatrist who has years of experience in psychiatry doesn't know what's going on which annoys me . Come on redditors ,any of you been through similar and got through it ?

I am surviving on 0-2 hours of sleep without any sleep aid ,however I am now taking l theanine and lemon balm which gives me 4 hours of broken sleep .how the hell I'm still upbeat and getting on with my life i dont know