Concept for a new Celestial Unit(s)
I love the Celestial's ambitious design -- I just feel like it's missing something overall. They feel kind of... cold and unrelatable, I guess you could say? That's probably intentional to a degree, but I think alien doesn't have to mean sterile. Would you say Celestials are meant to represent a kind of ideal techno-future? To me they feel semi-dystopian in their own right (by how completely mechanical they are)... and we already have Infernals.
I feel like they need some heart. Something spirited at their core to connect with. Something that shows they are evolved on the inside, not just the outside. Like they are actually feeling, conscious beings, albeit on some higher plane.
In my ideal form of Celestials, they aren't just technology. At their core they are beings of light. They've evolved beyond their physical bodies, and that incorporeal aspect is seamlessly integrated with their technology. Right now I feel like we're just seeing the technology, but there's no essence there to connect with.
So, imagine a unit with a kind of humanoid shape... very beautiful, white, gold, and rainbow colors perhaps. Something like this I've created using Craiyon AI:
Maybe even a bit more human looking. And it floats in the center of a technological outer shell... something like this:
As close as I could get with AI and no art skills. But just imagine the kind of Celestial tech design you've already created... but there is an actual visible non-tech being at its core.
I think you get what I mean.