The misconception that we get more masc dudes than gay men
I did a little social experiment and from this, I discovered there are two misconceptions I want to dispel:
1) the notion that we somehow are AT LEAST better off finding other masculine men than if we never transitioned and attempted to be masculine men.
2) That bi men love us and are attracted to transsexual women/MIXED gender traits
For reference, I created a new Grindr profile with an extremely attractive masculine looking guy; pretty much the model image of what a gay man is attracted to (pics attached on this post of the guy that I used).
Obviously there was a HUGE influx of me receiving messages the second I created the account. Now, compared to my profile as a transsexual on Grindr (I decided to recreate it for the social experiment), I definitely received more messages INITIALLY, BUT after a week or so, they tapered down while the GAMP chasers continued to steadily dm me without a plateau.
this part is important:
There were a lot of DL guys that would message me who were very masc. They were all very incredibly handsome clean-cut gymbros. The results were overall comparable to the DL type of guys that would dm me as a transsexual (naturally some gay twinks/fems did dm this fake profile because well…it’s Grindr).
I asked to hear ALL of their voices, and most of them were very clean-cut masculine so it’s not like the masc hot gay guys aren’t able to obtain other masculine men either.
I would ask these DL guys if they were gay or bi. For the ones who replied bi, I would ask do you like trans girls? They mostly replied no they don’t like “trans”.
I fished out a bit more conversation and something I noticed about most of these true bisexual DL men was they seemed to possess very internalized homophobic/transphobic thinking—saying things like “thank god ur masc”, “I’d just have a real dude/girl, would rather fuck a real pussy”, “not into trannies”, “Like I’m into guys and girls but not into fem guys” (he equates fem guys to trans girls even after I showed him a picture of Emma Ellingsen).
Thus there are observably a lot of DL masc4masc guys WHO ARENT chasers like our DL guys. Many are exclusively gay or true bisexuals.
So, my question for u girls is, obviously grindr is largely where most MLM will surround themselves on, but for men into trans girls, most of them will likely keep their attraction private since they have no interest in men (which are everywhere) and thus only date/hu w cis women. So, with all things considered, do you think there are more masculine male options for masc gay/true bi men, or transsexuals like us?
I remember a girl on here said how once you reveal ur trans, no matter how much you pass, you no longer posses the object petite a of femaleness but of transfemininity. These men all revealed to me they preferred guys sexually but would never date them—I’m guessing these are the same subset of non trans-attracted men that would fuck a 🚂 under the right circumstances but as a inert human sex doll since they aren’t into transfemininity.
In short, are there more bi men who are only into cis men/women or trans-attracted/chasers into us?