Trans Dating 101 for Baby Dolls

Many dolls early in their transition come here for advice on dating, when to disclose, which men to look out for and which men to go after. I will tell you in basic terms how sexual attraction from the male perspective works and how you can score a cishet man if you want to.

At the end of the day, who you are able to attract boils down to an axis and a dipole: passibility and whether you are pre/post-op respectively. Below I will list the various combinations of which men you can expect to score based on these criteria.

1. non-passing and pre-op:

you are the classic tr@nny and will likely have best success with pan guys. Some chasers will lust after you but you will not be their ideal candidate.

2. passing and pre-op

You are the Helen of Troy to chasers in this category. You will feel like Megan Fox/Madison Beer on Grindr and will be bombarded with hundreds of messages weekly if you live in a decently populated area. Bi/pan guys will be best for dating but some cishet men may accept you if they don't really care much about genitals; it is iffy regarding ltr however.

3. non-passing and post-op

This may sound harsh, but you are discardable. Chasers are not really going to lust after you, and you are strictly going to be confined to queer men, many of whom will be more alt/fem in fashion and some eggs as well.

4. passing and post-op:

you are the gold standard amongst us dolls. You made it, you can live the life we dreamed of since childhood. You can score any open-minded cishet man, bonus points if you are attractive. Most chasers won't see you as their ideal target anymore, but some will still be obsessed if they are in love with the concept of transfemininity.

I rank each of the following combinations of passability and pre/post-op from best to least odds of finding both an attractive man and a fulfilling ltr:

RANK 1: passing and post-op

RANK 2: passing and pre-op

RANK 3: non-passing and pre-op

RANK 4: non-passing and post-op


Anyone who is considering SRS, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ensure that you are fully passing head to toe otherwise dating will be virtually impossible. You will have a minute appeal to chasers and cishet men are not going to care about that vagina when all they see is a tr@nny in front of them.