Stranger Things Season 2 and Season 3 Are The MOST Overhated Things On The Internet! And For Me They’re On The Exact Same Par As Seasons 1 and 4!

I SERIOUSLY DONT get the hate these 2 seasons get! I mean I will agree Season 2 is the weakest of the show but MAN is it still an AMAZING season of television that I still heavily enjoy jus as much and the same as the rest of the seasons! And Season 3 is actually my favorite of the show cause it combines everything the show does along with new things and new vibes SOO PERFECTLY! And not only that it also did a beautiful thing of combining soo many genres in one like: action mixed with horror mixed with comedy along with, nostalgia, fun, and even emotion and none of the other seasons did that as PERFECTLY as this season did!

And season 3 also had some of the CUTEST and also COOLEST moments of the show with both events and character moments and the characters were at their BEST and most COOLEST in that season and you really felt like you were on this adventure with them and having fun with them during the hangout scenes! And lastly this season was also the one where the characters get beat up the most too like El literally gets her ass kicked in this season and gets her power taken away, Hopper having to suffer with seeing his new daughter grow and be taken away from him from Mike then has to really be taken away from all of them when he was just learning to get closer with them, Billy sacrifices himself, Max has to deal with the depression of that after, and half of the group has to be split up at the end. It just shows you that disasters and chaos can happen at anytime even in fun situations!