Pennywise The Sewer Cat Update
Hey, all. This update is going to have highs and lows. In the last day, this girl has just made my heart soar. She is the most loving, sweet, goofy little girl. I had to be away from her for 5 hours yesterday (class, boo college) and ran back to see her just sleeping cozily, like I never left. As of this morning, she’s done hissing when I enter the room. She accepts me. Now for the bad part. I took her to the vet today and received the unfortunate news that she is FeLV positive. While this was crushing, because it means she can’t go to my rescue I know and could get regular updates from, they talked me through options. Her prognosis is good, so they say. They think she’s only about 2-5 years and could probably live another while. There are rescues nearby that have FeLV spaces, so I’ll try to get her in there. That does mean I’ll likely never know where she ends up, but if it’s what’s best for her, I’ll deal with it. They say even FeLV kitties typically aren’t there for more than 5 months before finding homes. She’s back in my bathroom for now as her fleas die. She’s going to get some antivirals, antibiotics, and probiotics (for yucky poos) and she’ll be okay.