Ranked: Do you always finish the best-of-three?

Personally I always finish the best of three unless something pressing comes up (life stuff) or the connection is bad. But I've been wondering what the community does.

Like say you match up with someone and they absolutely crush you. You know you aren't going to beat them next round and you're just going to lose points, will you match up anyway?

Is there other reasons you might not finish the best-of-three?

Edit: Here is what I learned after reading 300+ posts.

The vast majority of people will play the whole set and they expect others to do the same, except for in instances of a bad connection (lag) or unexpected life stuff. It is generally considered bad form to do anything but play all three, even if you think you will lose.

A small but significant minority said that they will one-and-done certain characters (Guile, 'Gief, and Akuma being the most prevalent), Modern players (more hostility here than I expected), toxic players (what is defined as toxic seems to be personal choice, but generally stuff like tea bagging or wasting someone's time), or mirror matches.

Some expressed interest in having Ranked be more than a best-of-three with some saying it should go to best-of-five.

Thank you for all the responses. This has been informative and fun! I hope to see you all out there in the wild!