combos feels impossible (new player)

I've been aggressively side eyeing SF because of its cool character roster and visual gameplay for quite some years. Pretext-I'm a heavy Blazblue player and would pick up GG every now and then. So... that's my baseline.

Coming from those series into SF makes me feel like I have no hope. I can't feel the tempo of my inputs at all. Buffering some supers feels like I have to do it within nano seconds. I can make it maybe 3 to 4 intermediate challenges deep into characters until the drive rush ex super combos hard wall me.

I understand timing is key to all this but it feels like the timing is just "you know vibes", but very anal. I spent a few hours between Juri, Ken, and Ryu and was in shock because I didn't want believe that I'm this ass at trying to do combos, it's frustrating. Should I just use modern? I'm looking for any help or even just some motivation lol.

edit: wow thanks for all the feedback back guys 🥲 gonna keep at it