Ranked Ruleset Needs to be Changed.
Simply put, why are we all pretending that FT1 matchmaking makes any sense at all?
If Capcom wants to make Ranked matchmaking the “competitive” environment that most closely resembles the esports counter-part.. Why would it work this way? If you win a match 2-1 in bracket.. You win. Simple as that.
The amount of times a higher ranked player than me (1750 MR) has quit after winning once, is unacceptable. But who can blame them? The system incentivizes it. If they lose just ONE game.. They lose 20 MR. Meanwhile, winning BOTH games gives them +6 MR total. Who would take that risk in a game with mid-high variance like sf6? The only reason you hit rematch is because you have good manners.
My proposal is to make it so that no points are exchanged until the entire FT2 is completed.
Points exchanged after FT2 completion = points gained from a single game in current system. (I win 2-0.. I gain +8 MR for winning vs someone within my range. Same for 2-1)
If someone disconnects mid-match.. Points awarded to the person who did not disconnect.
MR inflation would essentially occur at the same rate. Anyone who says “this system would take too much time”… Please stop. League game = 30 mins. CS2 game = 45 mins. SC2 game = 20 mins. Blitz Chess = 5-10 mins.
You can commit to a 3-5 min FT2.
I’d love to see an idea like this gain traction. Obviously Capcom listens to the community, considering their recent post about skins and battle pass rewards.
Thanks for reading :) Any comments or suggestions would be cool.