Do any skilled players here have days where you feel like you've never played a fighting game before?

Title. I think I'm a skilled player. Not that I'm super good but my learning curve has been quite smooth and fast. I got this game at the very end of December last year. When I started playing ranked shortly after buying it, I was placed in iron, and I'm now in plat 5, one short winning streak away from reaching diamond 1. On most days my game is solid, and on some days my game is on point and I feel like I'm putting little to no effort into playing skillfully and adapting to my opponents.

And then there are a few times where I just can't seem to pull off a win, I can't adapt to my opponents, dropping combos when I shouldn't be, getting nervous and playing terrible footsies and neutral.

Anyone ever go through this? I'm fine with getting my ass beat since that's part of the learning process. I genuinely have no problem with losing. What gets under my skin is when my skill level regresses to silver-gold for like a session or two. Anybody have any input on this?