Clinicals while pregnant
How much did your schools actually accommodate for you? I’m in an LVN program and 8 weeks from graduation. My doctor won’t write me a note - until I’m 20 weeks - stating I’m pregnant and have no restrictions. My school requires you to have a note if pregnant in order to continue. I’m in clinicals and lecture. If you can’t complete ur clinicals you can’t graduate and you have to restart lecture along with clinicals again. I’m worried they’re going to say that due to medical reasons they can’t risk me being at clinicals and that they have no accommodations to offer. Not that I’m asking for any, I’m just worried they might use this as a reason to make me start over. Right now we’re at a psych hospital so I have anxiety about catching something from working with certain patients, but I feel like I have to finish otherwise I’ll start all over. I don’t expect them to help me with that either, and I’m not going to ask
Edit: I’m NOT asking for accommodations or equating pregnancy to a disability. What I’m trying to say is they might just consider me a liability and kick me out. We have other clinical sites with lower risk patients but I don’t think they’d be willing to switch me to any of those and I don’t want to be kicked out. I didn’t think to ask for that or expect that, just saw in the comments. I take all my precautions seriously, so far any isolated patients I had just have contact precautions and I feel like that’s not hard to avoid catching since I just glove up and gown up. I was just wondering if there are patients that other people avoided, if any pregnant students got any help or options at all bc they were pregnant. I don’t think I NEED accommodations or anything. Im just worried I might be let go for it.
Also thank u to the majority of people who offered advice and shared their stories it helped a lot.